Rising Dust
This rollercoaster has more emotional and mental loops than I realized. The further I go the more i feel like I am about to fly. In the past 3 days this mentality of thinking is carrying on into my other activities. Some may consider it foolish or hasty...the fact is I took action.I am up to 4 ideas. Implementation begins now. No more waiting. Time for action.
Islam is a deen of action! -- Islam is submission. A verb. Don't sit around and wait for things to happen. Make them happen. Have a vision, see yourself there, and take action.
When will you rise up above yourself?
Is this some sort of viral marketing campaign for Al Maghrib Institue?
How does any of this have to do with AlMaghrib?
Assalamu Alaikum
rollercoasters just go on and on...and when they do end...it feels like it just started again, but in the end you do have to get off and take some sorta action...rite?
just my 2 cents
Walaikum Assalam
The roller coaster are your emotions and mentality in life. It is your enthusiasm and your bordom.
How wild the roller coaster is depends on the choices you make, and how much fun you will have on the coaster depends on how much trust you place in Allah.
Wallahu ta'ala alam
That's where the problems arise, when there is no action going on. People have so many ideas...but they do not implement them, out of fear or 'time', wAllahu 'alam. either way, it's all talk, put your trust in Allah azza wa jal and go for it.
This is the mark of a leader, they know what they want and they go for it whole-heartedly. and if the idea fails, qadrAllah wa ma sha fa3al, there is always tomorrow, by the Will of Allah.
btw, blog rocks mashaAllah.
wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
One of the greatest things about an idea failing is that you now know what NOT to do :)
Learning through trial and error is awsome!
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