When the body becomes sick, it becomes weak. How does one get thier strength back? By giving it food. Similarly when the heart is sick, it becomes weak. How does one strenthen thier heart?What have you done to strengthen your heart?
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Movie Idea 3x10 - Day 07
- A bunch of kids decide to go on an adventure. They jump onto a freight train and see where it goes. Life lessons learned on this adventure.
- A man finds himself on an islam after a shipwreck. Realizes that he is a hunted game.
- Bunch of guys go camping in the woods. one by one they start disappearing.
Movie idea 3X10 - day 007
1.) A man gets married, he eventually finds out the girl he is married to used to be a man, see the epic drama that plays out.
2.) a man witnesses a crime, and is on the run from the guy. He moves to an African jungle were he has wild and crazy adevntures.
3.) A man fights to save the life of a convicted killer who is put on death row. The killer has acting talent and the man wants him to star in his movies.
these ideas are getting a lil on the scary side...
how about a documentary where you follow a new revert for one year, through the ups (realizing the 'purpose', becoming closer to Allah azza wa jal, loving rasulAllah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and all that good emanrush-y stuff) and downs (telling parents/friends/spouse, experiencing the profiling/judging, having trouble learning what we think of as basic) of becoming a new muslim.
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