
He said, "Give me a definition..."
Again everyone gave a different answer.
He responded with, "write this down...
If you think about that which you are afraid of too much, you will have more fear and it will push you into inaction.
Do not hesitate. Face your fear. Over come your challenges :-)
What happened to day 10 for 3 X 10 epi film ideas?
Here are some more off my ideas:
- The animated version off the flop program that took place at darul islah this time last year, "The mufti's crusade." Maybe it can be made more interesting by showing tanks and junk and rename it something else. Crusade just sounded madd wack.
- A series about how evil jews are.
**thats it for now**
" If you think about that which you are afraid of too much, you will have more fear and it will push you into inaction."
By the way, are not Muslims supposed to have fear of Allah and be pushed into inaction because of that fear they have? So when they want to do something bad, they dont do it because they have fear. Fear is something evil kuffar lack. Thats why they do all the evil things they do, they have no fear.
"fear" is a lack of a better term used in english.
As Muslims we should have "Taqwa" of Allah (swt).
Umar ibn Khattab asked a sahaba "What is taqwa?"
The sahaba replied, "Have you ever walked through an area with thorns?"
Umar replied, "yes".
The sahaba asked, "How did you walk?".
Umar replied, "I pulled up my cloths and walked carefully".
The sahaba replied, "That is taqwa"
The taqwa of Allah (swt) is to keep us from doing that which is displeasing to Allah (swt). One who does that is a Muttaqi.
If one wants, they can say its 'fear' of Allah.
It is ONLY Allah that we should have "taqwa" of. For every thing else...
...its a False Experience Appearing Real.
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