Saturday, April 08, 2006


"I can't help it" are the words of those who are addicts. "I get tempted" are words of others. When you are lost in the whispers of shaytaan, and you are blinded to what is right and what is wrong. When emotion takes hold of your senses, know one thing...

...You have a choice.


At 4/08/2006 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clever people solve their problems. Wise ones avoid them.

At 4/09/2006 7:46 PM, Blogger Amatullah said...

la yukalifulAllahu nafsan illa wusahha...

knowing that you have a problem and you do not take measures to fix it--subhanAllah, you're just digging the whole deeper. And the scary part is that on the Day of Judgement when Allah ta'ala will ask you about your sins, shaytaan will say, "O my Lord! I did not make him commit this sin, for he committed it himself. I fear the Lord of al-Alamin"...

SubhanAllah. In surah Ibrahim and also in Qaf.

Muslims think that just because they are muslim that they will not fall into sin, subhanAllah, there is an analogy of building a fire--you do not get one big log and light it on fire, you collect twigs and leaves and small pieces. That is the same for sins, a good muslim just doesn't go an commit fahisha, it's slow...shaytaan is slow. wa ayadubillahi minnas shaytaanir rajeem.

A good lecture to listen to is, "doors of shaytaan" by Yahya Ibrahim.


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