
How often have we noticed that a person can go on forever asking for stuff, but once they have to work for something, or if things get hard, they lose hope.
Allah (swt) tells us:
"Man does not get tired of asking for good; but if an evil touches him, then he gives up all hope and is lost in despair"
- Fussilat : 49
The arabic word "ya 'as" means dispair. "Iblees" means someone who has lost hope in the mercy of Allah (swt). Who is Iblees? Our sworn enemy since the beginning of mankind. He has lost any and all hope in the mercy and bounty of Allah (swt)...
...will you?
I just realized something...
Ayah 49...4 + 9 = 13.
Allah states in ayah 13 of the next surah (Shurah), "Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides onto Himself who turns to Him in repentence."
Who refuses to turn to Allah in repentence?
The one who has lost all hope....ya 'as...Iblees.
How do we not fall in the direction iblees did...? by turning in repentence to Allah...
JAK for that post. May Allah make us of those who constantly return to him in tawbah!
Thanks for the reminder...
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