Saturday, April 29, 2006

Progress Lag

Sometimes it takes a major routine blitz to get in the zone.

What did breaking my routine do for me? -- I finished my story outline and have started writing my script. :-)

Many people make it routine to look at the tops of sky scrapers, when they sould try to focus on the stairs that lead to the top.


At 4/30/2006 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody, remember to register for the YM NJ-NY 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament on the ymsite at the following link: http://www.ymsite/com/teaneck/

The tournament will take place May 20, 2006 saturday. You must register your team online. It is $35 per team. If you pay online, you get a $5 discount and only pay $30. So register your team now!!!

At 5/02/2006 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where have you been


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