New Plan

Over the course of the past couple weeks I finally learned something...
...If one is sincere about solving thier problems then Allah (swt) shows the way. You dont have to beat yourself up over your fault. We all fall. Be sincere when getting up, and Allah (swt) will show you to the right path.
One thing i would forget to do is everytime i stepped on the new path...i would forget to make du'aa to Allah to help me with this alternate way (as opposed to the way i was going about my problem before)
The funny thing is...I got this reminder from a non-muslim :P
Reward yourself for the good, but if you stuble...get up and keep movings. If you stumble too often, take a new path. sincere.
Are you going to be at NNCC? It's so expensive man!
so hows script coming along bhaiah.
I meant to say, "so how IS your script coming along bhaiah?"
im behind schedule...but its getting good.
How come u dont update your blog anymore?
i dont really see a point nor benefit. Do you?
nobody updates their blogs anymore...the blog thing is just a fad. It will die out shortly.
The only reason I started this blog was as an assignment to me from my teacher.
At first I saw benefit, but the amount of energy required to keep posting daily...
well see. I have one deadline to meet. If all goes good after that then I may continue the assignment.
update your blog yaar.
asalaamu alaikum,
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide your non-Muslim friend. it is from the fitra that we know what is good from evil. subhanAllah.
i remember when i was in high school and it was time to pray, my non-Muslim friend told me to stop one of our meetings and go and pray ... she said:"i know prayer is more important to you than this measly meeting"
walhamdullilah! :)
This blog has died, jus like mines.
It died by choice. I did it as an assignment, and completed the assignment. Alhamdulillah there was benefit in it while it was up.
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