Submission vs. Faith

If an angel were to ask you, "What is Islam?" What would you answer? If it asked you, "What is Ihsan?" What would you say?
If you don't know, dont worry. The last prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) already answered it for us. Gabriel came to him one time as a man dressed in white and asked him, "What is Islam?". He (sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) answered, "Islam is that you...
- Bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
- Establish the prayer
- Give the Zakat
- Fast Ramadan
- Perform the hajj of the House if you are able to take a way to it
What is the difference? The Islam of a person is seen by the people , it is present while Imaan is soemthing that is hidden and in the heart.
What does it mean to us?
As leaders, we MUST have both. We must have the outward features, as well as the internal excellence. The prophet Muhammad (saw) was an example of this, and its an example we MUST follow.
thank you for these wise words.
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