Running Destiny
Everything, small and large, is written down. Verily, those who have Taqwa, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers. In a seat of truth, near the Magnificient King.- Surah AlQamar: 53-55
The Messenger of Allah said:
- The strong believer is better and more beloved by Allah The Exalted than the weak believer, and in both there is good.
- Be on the guard for what is beneficial for you, get help from Allah to Whom belongs Glory and Power, do not give up,
- If something befalls you then don't say: Oh if I had done [so and so] such and such would have resulted; rather, say: Allah has decreed this, and He does as He wills.

Will you be among those whom Allah will make the hellfire haraam for them?
What have you planned for Ramadan?...if you haven't then you know what to do :-). Time is passing by.
What Happend Yesterday?
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