Limited Immortality

When I started this blog, I started it as an assignment from a teacher and friend of mine, to track my growth. Later on I continued it, for it was a means for me to further define myself, focus on self improvement, and help me get more focused.
This blog has fulfilled its purpose, and now there is no need for it any further. I figured that as a last thing I may post my reflections for hajj, but at this point I don't see the need to post it online.
If you truly wish to know about my hajj experience, contact me in person and inshaAllah I will share with you all the beautiful gems I came across and collected :-)
Everything comes to an end...even death. Until death is slaughtered...we all have limited immortality.
A Heart's Journey | Day 01
The following posts will be about my trip to Makkah, Medina, and my experience during Hajj. I pray that it will be a benefit to you homies, Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as non-Muslim readers.
I will be posting images as well as gems and the beautiful experiences I had there :)
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When you enter the Medina airspace a feeling comes over you. A feeling that humbles you and at the same time makes you see Masjid Nabawi. If you don't drop a tear, you will have a lump in your throat.
I wasn't the only one feeling these emotions. You can see the tears in the faces of people to see the light coming from the Prophet's masjid from the air plane. It was almost like the full moon in the night sky. The brightest structure on the ground among the other lit buildings.
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What was special about this moment? It was a moment that was indescribable. Everyone on the plane was emotional for the same women, and children. They all wanted to go to the city of the greatest man that ever lived.
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It was a moment that was indescribable. Everyone on the plane was emotional for the same women, and children. They all wanted to go to the city of the greatest man that ever lived.
We landed and proceeded to the checkpoints. One of the security guards after looking at my passport said, "
Asalaamu Alaikum Belal"
I replied, "
Walaikum Asalaam"
security said, "
Takallama arabiyyah?"
I replied, "
security guard said, "
Welcome to Medina"
I smiled and replied, "
Jazakallahu Khairun"
security guard smiles back and says, "
Kayfa takallama arabiyyah?"
I'm thinking to myself, "
werd...I just learned some arabic" :P
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One of the goals I had made before leaving for hajj was that I want to learn some Arabic. When I said, "nah" it was against my goal mentality...this brother basically reminded me of that.
Hajj is about having a positive attitude. Look at the opportunities in front of you and take em by the horns
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After we exited the checkpoints, we were greeted by one of the hajj group coordinators...Br. Gamal. When he saw me he said, "
Asalaamu Alaikum Belal".
I'm thinking, "
I know this man from some where...he looks waaay to familiar, and his persona was just very welcoming."
We got on the bus around 4am, and waited to get all the paper work for the hotels reservations. While waiting I leaned my head on my mom's shoulder and went to sleep...
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If any of you wish to learn a little bit about Medina. Check out the following link: