Walk With Me

The following are notes from Managment Training at work:
Leader Characteristics:
- Self Motivated -- Dont need people to push them They are the initiators.
- Lead By example -- not only lip service, but followed by limb service
- As good as the people that work for them -- Leader is 1st to be fired
- Result Oriented -- They get what they are aiming for, "Almost" doesnt count, No execuses...only results
- They evaluate themselves and thsoe unde them...improve on short comings. They ask "Is so and so in the right place?"
- Open-minded...has the ability to seek shurah and take suggestions
- Has Courage...not afraid of accomplishing things and admit mistakes before someone is to blame.
- Team Player -- promotes those around them. If they grow then you grow.
- Is PRACTICAL -- have an idea of what the people DO.
- SYB - Save Your Back, protect yourself by having things in writing.
FINAL NOTE: If you want to be like somone...live like them. -- This can be golden advice to those guys that wanna get married. If you want a wife, prepare yourself and live like a husband. Be a man and stand up as if you are married.
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