Power Hour 9-20

Notes from Power Hour at work:
- Ramadan is the month of the Quran. On the night of power if you saw the unseen your heart would jump at the sight of the celebration of the revelation of the Quran.
- The angels celebrate with thier worship...why are YOU not?
- It is the month of the Quran...intensify your recitation...
- Look into the tafseer of a surah...
- set a schedule for that surah...and study it.
Dont let other things have propority over the Quran. --> put aside your other projects untill after Ramadan. --> Your schedule:
- Work
- School
- Taraweeh & Quran @ Home...every day.
Ramadan is a priscription for 3 things:
- Taqwa: You will develop it through fasting. Everyone wants happiness. It is attained by softening your heart.
- Shukr: You realize that importance of something when its taken away. If you are controlled by instinctual desires, you will find a new found control and will feel the humility. The disgust over the instictual desires combined with the new found control brings about shukr.
- Yarsh: You will end up pushing up your spiritual side while your material side is pushed down. It will lead you to becoming a rashid...somone who is rightly guided.
Asalamu Alaikum,
YM Teaneck presents, Masjid tours! This ramadan, every friday and saturday night! Visit http://teaneckym.blogspot.com for more info!
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