
Imagine youself in the hospital and the doctor tells you, "The diagnosis reveals that you have cancer."
You say, "How bad is it?"
Doctor responds, "Its in the advanced stages. There is nothing we can do. You have 6 months max."
What would you do? For many this would be devestating, but in actuality its a blessing in disguise. How great of a blessing if you knew when you were going to die...
What to do?
- Start preparing...
- Put up a wall calendar and mark "D-Day" (Death Date) 6 months from today.
- Make a list of 100 things you must do before you die...and do them.
repay all debts, forgive everyone, ask for forgiveness from Allah and everyone. give as much as i can to the poor, hit up the masjid as much as i can, try not to miss any salah at all, or sunnah or nafl,
read quran more everyday,
and complete 24/7 dhikrAllah
i like the new design
"repay all debts, forgive everyone, ask for forgiveness from Allah and everyone. give as much as i can to the poor, hit up the masjid as much as i can, try not to miss any salah at all, or sunnah or nafl,
read quran more everyday,"
-mujahideen ryder
The things you mentioned are things all us muslims should do anyway. Cause a person having been told that he has 6 months to live because of cancer may not even die of cancer and may even die earlier than the expected 6 months.
That is true, but consider this. Many people when they are told they have a short time to live, moan and groan. They get sad...
...they dont see the blessing in desguise. A wake-up call.
Similarly the message is for the Muslim to wake up, but not only wake up, and be rightous, rather be more than rightous...
..plan. DO what wanted to do for the sake of Allah (swt). Set the goals and achieve those result. This way when you die and look back at yourself in the grave, inshaAllah you will have no regrets.
May Allah (swt) make us of the successful. Ameen.
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