Power Plan

If you dont plan for tomorrow...you have no future.
Plan your schedule for Ramadan and start living that life now. Get a rolling start!
Put off things that will take you away from your goals for the month. Don't busy yourself with things that can be push to after Ramadan.
Priority in Ramadan should be as such:
- Family is #1. Better your relationship with them by coming closer to Allah (swt) together.
- Make the month a month of feeding and not eating. Instead of inviting people and tiring yourself over cooking and preparing for guests, sponser a day or two at the masjid to feed the people there.
- Keep your discipline of worship and increase it. Go to taraweeh.
- Keep your discipline in exercise
- Begin fasting Mondays, Thursdays, and the white days now!
What is your schedule?
- 4am - 2 rakah + Suhur + 2 rakah fajr
- Cold shower
- Fajr @ masjid
- 2 rakah Duha
- Quick email check (10 mins)
- Memorize Quran for 30-60 mins
- Go to work and take advantage of the power hours :)
- Go to class - post work / taraweeh on days of no class
- Recite: Sajda, Waqiyyah, Mulk
- Sleep by 11pm
What is your Ramadan Diet?
- Suhur - Oatmeal, Yougurt, Dates
- Iftar - Dates, Water
- Dinner (Post maghrib) - yougurt and few more dates
What are the things you will kill?
- Instant Messenger...permanantly
- Forum browsing/'bosting'
- 'experimental' video editing
What are white days?
white days are the 13, 14, 15th of the islamic month. Its sunnah to fast those days.
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MashaAllah, it's a good list, but I think that saying the morning and evening adkhar should be added...it's about 10 or so du'aas and words of rememberence that should be said after fajr and maghrib, can be found in hisnul muslim. Some of the du'aas protect the person from shaytan till the evening, and likewise when said in the evening till the morning. Another if said, Allah ta'ala will cause the person to be pleased on the Day of Judgement, another, Allah ta'ala save the person from Hell fire. (All of this is from the top of my head, but it's all in hisnul muslim with saheeh hadiths)
RasulAllah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said that sitting with a group in the rememberence of Allah from fajr till shurooq is more beloved to him than freeing 10 slaves from Bani Isra'eel and likewise from asr to maghrib. (Hadith also in hisnul muslim)
I only started saying them a couple of weeks ago and alhamdulillah it's stuck. It might seem long at first but by the second day you'll be done fairly quickly. and it's awesome to begin your day with words of rememberence.
wa Allahu 'alam
what are the ayat that are recited in the morning and evening adhkar?
Most of them are here: http://www.makedua.com/display_dua.php?sectionid=27
for all the hadith references/benefits and for the rest of the adkhar check the actual hisnul muslim book.
Also I said before that you say the evening du'aas after maghrib, but they can also be said after asr until maghrib which is considered the evening as well. wa Allahu ta'ala 'alam, ask someone of knowledge to be on the safe side bi'ithnillah.
I just realized I wrote the wrong hadith..."RasulAllah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said that sitting with a group in the rememberence of Allah from fajr till shurooq is more beloved to him than freeing 10 slaves from Bani Isra'eel and likewise from asr to maghrib."
I actually meant to write bani Isma'eel and 4 slaves, not 10. May Allah forgive me..wa Allahu 'alam.
Also, if anyone is interested, I have a pdf version of hisnul muslim. (without the ahadtih though)wa Allahu 'alam.
Oatmeal with grapes, dates, and water are my staple foods for suhur.
And I agree with Amatullah, the morning and evening adhkaar are a must and an amazing way to start and end the day with the remembrance of Allah on your tongue.
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