Recently joined a weekly mailer from DiscoverU ( that gives a hadith and advice coupled with it. Its free to joing: successinislam@getresponse.comSend an email on it and you will be on the list. my first email was the following:
On the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa salla, said: "Seek out that which benefits you, seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it.
"If any adversity comes to you, do not say: 'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;' but instead, say: 'Allah has decreed (it) and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, (the word) (if) opens the way for the work of Satan." - Saheeh Muslim
[Lessons from this hadith] If there is something that will benefit you, make every effort and go after it! Seek it out. - There is no failure, only lessons.
What is the benfit I itend to seek?
- Register ad make website for EMP (Ephemeral Mind Productions)
- 25 episode series on EMP (possibley cartoon)
- Setup marketing system for EMP
I have some ideas, but there a lot and I dont feel like typing them all out here. So i'll either email them too you or tell u in person next time I see u.
go ahead and email me inshaAllah :)
Limmited immorality is in the HOUSE! MashAllah
Just to tet you know this blog not only does it benefit you it benefits all the viewers! well at least me :)
So next time u want to kill it let us know before time so we can at least fight for it :P
JazakAllau khayran
I belive this blog is a sadaqah jariyah for you inshallah
and may Allah reward u immensly
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