What's Been Happening?
About a month ago I had decided not to update anymore, but I realized that seeing my progress help me progress further. One of the ways was via this 'blog'.So what have I done so far?
- Finish the 1st draft of my script for "High-pocrasy"
- Made a logo for my production company -- The company name is "Ephemeral Mind Productions" The logo is two people holding hands and thinking together.

- Produced "The Strangers" DVD. Why? Figured it would be good marketing for YM (www.ymsite.com) and thier efforts, as well as a means of funding for the movie im writing.
- Here is a trailer that was played at ICNA...
- I talked to a brother who works with Bridges TV and he said that he will do his best to get it played on thier network. This would be great if it happenes inshaAllah.
So whats next...?
Still have to complete the 2nd Draft of my script. Deadline for that is August 15. In the mean time I might get some help to make another film or product :-)
Asalamu Alaikum,
In the logo you said it is a picture off two people holding hands and thinking together. To me it just looks like a cricle or a ring.
look inside the ring...you see to smaller circles. those are heads. you see how the 'ring' things out on the sides...those are hands holding each other... :P
Adding to "So What's Next?"
- E.M.P. Website...? Maybe
- Possible cartoon series on this blog...
- Have an Idea for a 2nd movie. I want to film it in India.
- I think I have an idea for a 3rd movie...possible comedy :-)
I still dont see it. Maybe the picture needs to be enlarged for it to be seen.
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