Power Hour 9-20
Notes from Power Hour at work: - Ramadan is the month of the Quran. On the night of power if you saw the unseen your heart would jump at the sight of the celebration of the revelation of the Quran.
- The angels celebrate with thier worship...why are YOU not?
- It is the month of the Quran...intensify your recitation...
- Look into the tafseer of a surah...
- set a schedule for that surah...and study it.
Dont let other things have propority over the Quran. --> put aside your other projects untill after Ramadan. --> Your schedule:
- Work
- School
- Taraweeh & Quran @ Home...every day.
Ramadan is a priscription for
3 things:
- Taqwa: You will develop it through fasting. Everyone wants happiness. It is attained by softening your heart.
- Shukr: You realize that importance of something when its taken away. If you are controlled by instinctual desires, you will find a new found control and will feel the humility. The disgust over the instictual desires combined with the new found control brings about shukr.
- Yarsh: You will end up pushing up your spiritual side while your material side is pushed down. It will lead you to becoming a rashid...somone who is rightly guided.
Ramadan is to better you heart, mind, way of thinking, and your body. Take advantage of it.
Walk With Me

The following are notes from Managment Training at work:
Leader Characteristics:
- Self Motivated -- Dont need people to push them They are the initiators.
- Lead By example -- not only lip service, but followed by limb service
- As good as the people that work for them -- Leader is 1st to be fired
- Result Oriented -- They get what they are aiming for, "Almost" doesnt count, No execuses...only results
- They evaluate themselves and thsoe unde them...improve on short comings. They ask "Is so and so in the right place?"
- Open-minded...has the ability to seek shurah and take suggestions
- Has Courage...not afraid of accomplishing things and admit mistakes before someone is to blame.
- Team Player -- promotes those around them. If they grow then you grow.
- Is PRACTICAL -- have an idea of what the people DO.
- SYB - Save Your Back, protect yourself by having things in writing.
IMPORTANT -- follow up with your tasks and assignments. You also cannot take every job that comes, you have to be able to say NO.
FINAL NOTE: If you want to be like somone...live like them. -- This can be golden advice to those guys that wanna get married. If you want a wife, prepare yourself and live like a husband. Be a man and stand up as if you are married.
3 2 Thrive

Visualize, Realize, Materialize...that is the 3 2 Thrive. Ideas are only worth the air that they are passed by, unless it is implemented.
I believe I've found a solution to inconsistant low quality Islamic audio websites.
sa7 Audio.
What is different about this website?Audio is on Google 'video'. Streamable to everyone. Not only that, if people want to download it, they can. InshaAllah this will be the best Islamic audio website on the internet. If you want to help me increase its library...let me know. :-)
This is beyond lip-service...its limb service :-)
Power Plan
The following are my notes and gems from a planning session we had at work.
If you dont plan for
tomorrow...you have
no future.
Plan your schedule for Ramadan and start living that life now. Get a rolling start!
Put off things that will take you away from your goals for the month. Don't busy yourself with things that can be push to after Ramadan.
Priority in Ramadan should be as such:
- Family is #1. Better your relationship with them by coming closer to Allah (swt) together.
- Make the month a month of feeding and not eating. Instead of inviting people and tiring yourself over cooking and preparing for guests, sponser a day or two at the masjid to feed the people there.
- Keep your discipline of worship and increase it. Go to taraweeh.
- Keep your discipline in exercise
- Begin fasting Mondays, Thursdays, and the white days now!
What is your schedule?- 4am - 2 rakah + Suhur + 2 rakah fajr
- Cold shower
- Fajr @ masjid
- 2 rakah Duha
- Quick email check (10 mins)
- Memorize Quran for 30-60 mins
- Go to work and take advantage of the power hours :)
- Go to class - post work / taraweeh on days of no class
- Recite: Sajda, Waqiyyah, Mulk
- Sleep by 11pm
What is your Ramadan Diet?- Suhur - Oatmeal, Yougurt, Dates
- Iftar - Dates, Water
- Dinner (Post maghrib) - yougurt and few more dates
What are the things you will kill?- Instant Messenger...permanantly
- Forum browsing/'bosting'
- 'experimental' video editing
Running Destiny
Everything, small and large, is written down. Verily, those who have Taqwa, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers. In a seat of truth, near the Magnificient King.- Surah AlQamar: 53-55
The Messenger of Allah said: - The strong believer is better and more beloved by Allah The Exalted than the weak believer, and in both there is good.
- Be on the guard for what is beneficial for you, get help from Allah to Whom belongs Glory and Power, do not give up,
- If something befalls you then don't say: Oh if I had done [so and so] such and such would have resulted; rather, say: Allah has decreed this, and He does as He wills.
- Recorded by Muslim

What happened yesterday was destined to happen. You don't know what will happen tomorrow. Plan, execute, place your trust in Allah, and ebrace your destiny.
Will you be among those whom Allah will make the hellfire haraam for them?
What have you planned for Ramadan?...if you haven't then you know what to do :-). Time is passing by.