Have you ever seen the human body function without a head?Have you ever seen an organization funtion without an ameer?
Without the head the body lays on the floor, dead. An organization without an ameer goes no where. The leader knows where to go. He charts the course and follows the path set. Every believer is a leader.
What course have you charted today?
Cashdeas 3x10 - Day 04
- Import Indian floor mats in bulk and sell them in the west.
- Make digital art, partner with charity organization, auction it for a cut
- Help people get married for a fee
- I have a multi-disk CD player in my car
- I have parents who pay for my gasoline
- I have a cell phone that works
When the Muslims migrated to present day Ethiopia, they organized themselves and assigned a leader. Jafar ibn AbiTalib.
The sunnah or RasulAllah (saw) is to be organized. Let us revive it inshaAllah.
- Help people get married for a fee
lol, very nice May Allah help you in this endeavor.
When Will You Be Getting Married?
I am of those who do not know and Allah knows best.
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