Passing Honor
Perhaps, you would kill yourself in grief, over their footsteps, because they believe not in this narration.- Surah Kahf: 6
Brother Jawad Ahmad mentioned today in his friday speech about how RasulAllah (saw) was sitting and a funeral procession passed by. The Prophet (saw) stood up. One of the companoins told him that it is a funeral of a jew. RasulAllah (saw) responded, "
Is it not a living being?"
- Sahih BukhariLesson:
- Leaders must care about people. All people. They must look for justice.
- Muslims must sincerely care for the guidance of others, if the Prophet (saw) cared for the makkans when they hated him...should we not care for those who hate on us and pray for thier guidance?
The "Mind Like Water" Simile

Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax"
- Dave Allen
What is the difference between a cluttered mind and a clear mind? A cluttered mind bring forth much stress, resulting in less control over your emotions.
One of the basics of martial arts relaxed before making a move. Tension in the mind brings forth weakness. Let your muscles and shoulders relax, you will explode with your punches, resulting you in being more effective.
When going for salah, if you are tense or have worries in your mind, you will not concentrate. Best way to perform your salah is to
calm down, do
wudu with cold water, and have all your
focus and attention toward Allah (swt). Only way you can do that is to have a 'mind like water'.
How?- Regularly sharpen your saw (About once a week)
- Put things on paper
- plan the day before it comes.

How does one become a millionaire? We live in a society of imediate satisfaction. "I wan't it now!". Yet according to the research done by the authors of "Millionaire Next Door", America's wealthy dont have that mentality...
...rather they have self
discipline, frugal spending habits, avid investors, and they live below thier means...which means they dont care about social status.
Allah (swt) teaches us that and more:
Successful indeed are the believers:- Those who with their prayer have tranqility and taqwa of Allah.
- Those who turn away from vain things.
- Those who pay the Zakah.
- Those who guard their private parts. Except from their wives or their right hand possessions, for then, they are free from blame, but whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.
- Those who are faithfully true to their trusts, promises, and to their covenants.
- Those who strictly guard their prayer.
These are indeed the heirs. Who shall inherit Firdaws. They shall dwell therein forever.- Surah Mu'minoon: 1-11
LESSONS- It begins and ends with prayer. Something that requires self decipline.
- Turning away from vanity, many times requires that we give up social status.
- Zakah is an invest for us in the hereafter, and it purifies our wealth.
- Guarding our chasity and being honest is a characteristic of somone who has integrity.
If you want wealth do the above. InshaAllah...ima make my 1st million in 5 years :)
Art of Success
Mission: Replace front rotors on '97 Camry LE
- Mission Log 8.09.2006: New Brembo cross drilled rotors arrived in mail.
- Mission Log 8.10.2006: Bought C-clap, rubber mallot, and brake degreaser to run the operation.
- Mission Log 8.11.2006:
- 7:30pm -- Proceeded with operation. Took off calipers, pads, and brace. Attempted to take off rotor, but it didnt budge. Applied WD-40, still remained stuck.
- 8:30pm -- Put everything back as it was.
- Mission Log 8.12.2006:
- 6:30am -- Attempted again. Rotor didnt budge.
- 7:30am -- Put everything back as it was.
- 7:00pm -- Attempted again. Implemented advice to use bolts as a lever. Driver side rotor came off in 5 mins. Proceeded to passenger side. Bolt broke and got stuck in rotor. Attempted to hammer it with a mallot, and other tools. Rotor didnt budge. Hammered it with a real hammer. Sparks flew, but rotors didnt budge. Emptied WD-40 bottle on rotor. Used caliper bolt to lever it off. Threads on rotor got messed up.
- 8:30pm -- Left everything as it was after sunset.
- Mission Log 8.13.2006:
- 9:00am -- Attempted to hammer rotor off with all my force. Hammer lost its head. Rotor has deep dents, but didnt budge. Car is lowered onto cinderblocks. Car jack used to push off rotor, but entire suspension moves as jack is expanded.
- 10:00am -- Went to AutoZone and Home Depot to call for rienforcements. New hammer with graphite handle, 5 ton jaw clamp, bolt removing drill bits, two 8mm bolts, penetrating oil, WD-40.
- 11:00am -- 5 ton jaw clamp's diameter is too small to grab rotor. Bolt removing drill bits are used to remove broken stuck bolt. New 8mm bolts are free turning because treads are completely messed up. Penetrating oil is applied.
- 12:30pm -- Drill is called in to drill slots on side of rotor. jaw clap is attached to rotor. Penetrating oil is applied. Jaw clamp is attacked.
- Penetrating oil is applied again. Pressure is put on and left for about 10 mins. More pressure is put on. Rotor cracks from pressure.
- 2:00pm -- New slots are drilled on opposite ends. 5-ton jaw clap is re attached on new slots. Pressure is put on untill jaw clamp cannot be tightened anymore.
- 3:00pm -- Rotor's exterior is bending outward, but inner circle is still rusted stuck. More penetrating oil and WD-40 is applied. 18" long flat head screw driver is used to lever rotor off from cracked area. in three levering attempts rotor "POPs" off.
- Rotor is surrounded and beaten to submission.
- 3:15pm -- Brand new Brembo rotor is brought to its rightful place :)
ReflectionsI never realized that replacing the rotors on a car would take this much effort. Everytime an idea didnt work frustration came upon me, but I wasn't going to submit to a some metal. I started this mission, I was going to complete it.
When i found out that the 5-ton jaw clamp didnt fit in the beginning, I felt like quiting. I remembered a story my friend told me about when he was in the marines. When they do training in the marines, at one point you have the oppurtunity to become a special forces member. Many soldiers take up the challenge, but many quit. There is a bell that they have to ring if they quit... thing came to mind. quiting is a choice. Real men dont quit. I chose to be patient and push forward. I outlasted the rotor's stubborn attitude and successfully got it off the car. I ended up spending more money in supplies and time than I would have at the mechanics, but the lessons learned were priceless. That challenges overcome were priceless.
Giving up is a choice, keeping patience is a choice. Which one you up to you. I have to give a shout out to the guys at
ToyotaNation Forums for thier help and support, and my dad for keeping patient with me for breaking some of his tools :p
Thanks guys :)
Leader's Diamond

If you were to see one of these babies sitting long would you let it rest?
Through the Quran Allah (swt) give us one of these diamonds. A believer is a leader. How is a leader to act? How is a leader to conduct oneself?
The following is the leader's diamond for anyone who wishes success upon themself, wants to increase the influence they have, and grow as a leader in their own right.
So whatever you have been given is but a passing enjoyment for this worldly life, but that which is with Allah is better and more lasting for:
- Those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
- Those who shun the greater sins, and Al-Fawahish*
- When they are angry, they forgive.
- Those who answer the Call of their Lord, and perform the prayer
- Who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation
- Who spend of what We have bestowed on them.
- Those who, when an oppressive wrong is done to them, take revenge.
- Surah Shurah: 36-39
How do you do #1? Having patience in letting the pleasures of the world pass and fulfilling the rights that The Creator has upon you.
How do you do #2? Keep away all types of disobedience, opressions, and transgressions whether they be commited openly or in secret.
How do you do #3? Don't take things personally. Don't let vengence for yourself be your nature.
How do you do #4? Establish the prayer. Pray five times a day, every day, one time, every time.
How do you do #5? Seek council of other people. Share ideas in things that concern people other than yourself.
How do you do #6? The rich man gives. Be the rich man. Take care of and be kind to those around you.
How do you do #7? If injustice or opression is commited on you, and you have the full capability and authority to take revenge, perfer to forgive. (Salahudeen style)
Allah (swt) is the MOST forgiving.
Submission vs. Faith

If an angel were to ask you, "
What is Islam?" What would you answer? If it asked you, "
What is Ihsan?" What would you say?
If you don't know, dont worry. The last prophet
(sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) already answered it for us. Gabriel came to him one time as a man dressed in white and asked him, "
What is Islam?". He
(sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) answered, "Islam is that you...
- Bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
- Establish the prayer
- Give the Zakat
- Fast Ramadan
- Perform the hajj of the House if you are able to take a way to it
(sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) was then asked, "
What is Ihsaan?" He
(sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) replied, "To worship Allah as though you see him even if you don’t see him because he verily sees you."
What is the difference? The Islam of a person is seen by the people , it is present while Imaan is soemthing that is hidden and in the heart.
What does it mean to us?As leaders, we MUST have both. We must have the outward features, as well as the internal excellence. The prophet Muhammad (saw) was an example of this, and its an example we MUST follow.

How often have we noticed that a person can go on forever asking for stuff, but once they have to work for something, or if things get hard, they lose hope.
Allah (swt) tells us: "Man does not get tired of asking for good; but if an evil touches him, then he gives up all hope and is lost in despair"- Fussilat : 49
The arabic word "ya 'as" means dispair. "Iblees" means someone who has lost hope in the mercy of Allah (swt). Who is Iblees? Our sworn enemy since the beginning of mankind. He has lost any and all hope in the mercy and bounty of Allah (swt)...
...will you?